10 Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses

In 2018, 71% of ransomware attacks targeted small businesses, according to a report by Beazley Breach Response Services. It’s clear that small businesses are a cybercriminals favorite target, yet many remain unprepared to handle a cyber-attack. Is it that small...

Research Suggests Employees Remain the Weak Links in Security

We’ve known that employees are the weak link in security. In fact, we have been cautioning organizations for quite some time regarding the risks their employees pose when not properly trained. Despite heightened awareness of these risks, recent research from Microsoft...

5 Tips for Protecting Your Electronic Health Records

As the value of healthcare data remains high, there is no denying that healthcare organizations make prime targets for cybercriminals. To wreak havoc and make a profit from compromised patient data, cybercriminals exploit weak spots in healthcare organizations,...
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