Apr 10, 2019 | HSN, Legal, ransomware
We previously wrote an article about the ransomware attack striking a Michigan doctor’s office, leaving their patients with no medical records and leading the practice to closure. This article is intended to provide professional insight into the liability of the...
Apr 9, 2019 | HIPAA Violations, HSN, ransomware
A doctor’s office in Battle Creek, Michigan is closing its doors following a ransomware attack that left them with no other option – besides pay up. The Demand and the Decision Dr. William Scalf told a local news outlet, WWMT West Michigan, that hackers locked...
Mar 18, 2019 | HSN, Phishing, Security Training
Pawnee County Memorial Hospital (PCMH) in Pawnee City, Nebraska has notified 7,038 patients that a hacker may have accessed some of their protected health information. The incident was discovered on November 29, 2018, when PCMH learned that their business e-mail...
Feb 25, 2019 | HIPAA Violations, HSN
Healthcare breaches are incredibly difficult for organizations to deal with. Repercussions of a data breach vary greatly depending on what caused the breach to begin with. For example, there’s the struggle of getting your organization back up and running, determining...